Sunday, April 3, 2011

Good News, Bad News

Bad news first:
I'm back up to 120, uuugh. These extra layers of fat are really taking a tole on my already practically non existant self esteem.

Good News: Though I've gained quite a bit, for the past few weeks I've been exercising quite rigorously and crazily enough I've actually been fairly consistent about it (meaning not just exercising one day then skipping out for a week). I've been going on 2-3 hour bike rides which burn about 1000 calories and I've been doing a few other various exercise activities. I can definitely tell this is helping the fat be more proportioned on my body instead of just a bunch of floppy flab hanging around (though unfortunately I still have that).

I've already gone way over my calorie limit and it's not even 3 o'clock yet, so hopefully I can refrain from eating for the rest of the day and do some light exercising tonight.
I love the feeling that you get after you get used to eating very little and you find yourself hardly ever wandering into the kitchen. When you were eating regularly it was so hard to not stuff food in your mouth, but once you get to a certain point it becomes the complete opposite.

I'm hoping that by my next post the numbers on the scale will have gone down, crossing my fingers.

♥ Amy