Thursday, February 24, 2011

Snow, Tea, Thin

Weighed myself this morning: 112.8. I'm so happy I'm finally gettting back to where I was, I think the quick weight loss is partially due to eating breakfast. I'll eat a 150 calorie breakfast and it really helps to speed up my metabolism through out the day and I already have a fairly fast metabolism.

There was a snow day today! :D I had a really big project due too, so this is fantastic news. However, I'm a little worried about lazing around at home since that means there will be more opportunities to just wonder into the kitchen, then just happen to stumble upon some goodies, who just happen to find their way into my stomach. I'm pretty sure I'll be able to keep myself in check though, I'm psyching myself up right now by looking at thinspo and thinking of reasons why I want to be thin. Here are some of the main reasons I want to be thin:

1. Thin is beautiful
2. I want to be able to get up in the morning and not have to worry about wearing clothes that hide my bulge
3. I want to walk down the street knowing that guys are oggling and girls are furiously jealous
4. I want boys to hug me and compliment me on being so skinny (well anyone really)
5. I want to wear what ever I want and still feel good about myself
6. Sex appeal
7. Control
8. More accepted, which means less lonely
9. More out going beacuse you're more confident
10. I can finally feel at home in my own skin because thin is who I am and want to be

Think about some of the reasons why you want to be thin.
P.S. Some of these reasons may seem a little redundent, but they are all very seperate things to me.

Have a wonderful day :)

♥ Amy

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